We are in the process of creating a website page of plant buildings (Account 301) including; Shops, Offices, Maintenance facilities, Warehouses, Shipway Offices, etc.
Our First 'iPost' (initial posting) are drawings of both the Central and North Yard showing facilities with identification numbers that are reflected in the following list. Please be patient with updated postings as there is a lot of research and documentation involved. Dave Kavanagh
SSHS hopes that you will find this 'Plant Buildings' page both easy to navigate and informative. As with all other areas of the website;
1) If you can contribute new subjects or additional information on existing panels, please let us know by contacting SSHS from the email address on the home page.
2)We have done our best to insure the accuracy of the information presented on the site. However, this information is from multiple and varied sources including past employees memories of events during the Sun Ship era. The accuracy of this information cannot be guranteed.
Maint.Cat. No.
301-30-006 - Boiler Shop Complex
301-80-005 - C.Y. 80 Storeroom, Safety
Store, and 33I
301-79- C.Y. (Central Yard) Plant layout drawing
iPost: 2025.01.31
Note 1: Access to this specific grouping is gained by clicking on the 'Sun Icon' located to the left of the catalog number that is in bold, blue and underlined
301-34-003 - C.Y, Pipe Shop (34D)
301-30-006a -Boiler Shop (30D)
301-30-006b -Copper Shop (35D)
301-30-006c -Sheet Metal Shop (31D)
301-30-006d -Transportation (76D)
301-30-006e - Quality Assurance (70D)
301-61-009 - C.Y. Time Alley Complex (61D)
301-73-007 - Garage (73D)
301-07-008 - Human Relations (07D)
301-79-010 - C.Y. Main Locker Room Bldg (79D)
301-69-011 - C.Y. Paint Shop (69D)
301-79-001 - C.Y. Main Office (79D)
iPost: 2025.01.31
301-69-013 - C.Y. Pump House (95D)
301-66-014 - C.Y. Carpenter Shop (66D)
301-79-015 - C.Y. Machinist (36D) and
Cleaners (67D) Bldg.
301-79-016 - C.Y. 'U-Toilet' Bldg. (79D)
301-86-017 - C.Y. Dispensary Bldg. (86D)
301-95-018 - C.Y. Heat Plant (95D)
301-30-019 - C.Y. Stress Furnace (30D)
301-79-020 - C.Y. Propane Plant (79D)
301-74-022 - C.Y. Tool Room Bldg. (74D)
301-79-023 - Central Maintenance Bldg. (79D)
301-77-024- C.Y. Power House Bldg. (77D)
301-47-025 - C.Y. Fabricating Shop (47D)
301-47-027 - C.Y. Blacksmith Shop (47D)
301-75-028 - C.Y. Roto Blast Bldg. (75D)
301-95-032 - C.Y. 5 Pier Pump House (95D)
301-80-035 - C.Y. 80S Storeroom (80D)
301-79-036 - C.Y. 1/2 Dry Dock Complex (79D)
301-30-037 - C.Y. Foamite House (79D)
301-47-030 - C.Y. NC Burning Bldg. (47D)
301-79-038 - C.Y. #1 Way Complex (79D)
301-79-042 - C.Y. #8 Way Complex (79)
301-79-041 - C.Y. #6 Way Complex (79)
301-79-040 - C.Y, #4 Way Complex (79D)
301-79-039 - C.Y. #2 Way Complex (79D)
Maint.Cat. No.
301-79-300 - N.Y. Hull & Welders Office
301-79-304 - N.Y. Oxygen Plant (79)
301-79-303 - N.Y. Scrap Yard Office (79)
301-79-302 - N.Y. Multi Purpose Cafeteria (79D)
301-88-305 - N.Y. Guard Office (88D) Time Alley (61D)
301-88-306 - N.Y. Guard Gate (35D)
301-79-301 - N.Y. Production Mgt. Offices
Maint.Cat. No.
301-79- N.Y. (North Yard) Plant layout drawing
301-79-307 - N.Y. PACOR Bldg (65D ?)
301-80-312 - N.Y. No. 2 Storeroom Bldg (80D)
301-80-311- N.Y. No. 3 Storeroom Bldg (80)
301-79-309 - N.Y. Pre-Outfitting Bldg (79D)
301-79-313 - N.Y. Quonsent Hut (79D)
301-79-314 - N.Y. Eddystone Garage (79D)
301-79-308 - N.Y. Locker Room (79D)
301-95-315 - N.Y. Fire Pump Bldg (95D)
301-79-316 - N.Y. Eng / Mgt Bldg (79D)
301-97-320 - N.Y. E&M Bldg. Trailer Complex (97)
301-79-319- N.Y. Main Substation (79)
301-79-318 - N.Y. Substation 6 Pier North (79D)
301-88-321 - N.Y. Guard Office (88D) Time Alley (61D)
301-03-322 - N.Y. Paint & Blast Complex (03D)
301-79-317 - N.Y. Substation 6 Pier South (79D)
301-79- N.Y. (North Yard) Plant layout drawing
iPost: 2025.01.31
Note 2: The 8-digit Yard account numbers for items listed under '301' account number is as follows:
'301' - Buildings & Structures, 2-digit#-Dept. and last 3 are assigned to a building or structure.
ie; #301-79-001, 301-account, 79-department, 001or 01- Main Office Building